You can always update both handles of your MAXIME handbag with a new color. With the purchase of a band change, you can choose a new strap color for both of MAXIME’s handles to be wrapped in, and add a dash of variety to your look. You can even select a different color for each of MAXINE’s handles should you wish.
In the online shop
After you have completed your order, please send us your handbag, complete with the order number, insured to the following address:
Attn: ribbon exchange
Plankengasse 3
1010 Vienna
In an ANNA Store
Purchase this service in one of our ANNA stores and hand in your handbag on the spot.
After receiving the handbag, the strap on the handle will be wrapped in your desired color and is then ready for shipping to or pickup in the store. Please note that a change takes place in our Viennese studio and can take approx. 10-14 business days.
In the online shop
After you have completed your order, please send us your handbag, complete with the order number, insured to the following address:
Attn: ribbon exchange
Plankengasse 3
1010 Vienna
In an ANNA Store
Purchase this service in one of our ANNA stores and hand in your handbag on the spot.
After receiving the handbag, the strap on the handle will be wrapped in your desired color and is then ready for shipping to or pickup in the store. Please note that a change takes place in our Viennese studio and can take approx. 10-14 business days.
Shipping by POST and DHL Express

Safe payment